City Colleges of Chicago Employee Salary Compensation Report

This list is current as of to to January 14, 2025

Salary data is updated quarterly throughout the year by the Office of Human Resources & Staff Development. If you have any questions regarding this salary compensation report, please contact Employee Services at

First NameLast NameJob TitleCompensation Rate
Daniel Abankwa Lecturer-Credit Course I-Union$1107.00/contact hr
Naser Abas Lecturer-Vocational-Union$30.00/hr
Laiba Abbas College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Jillian Abbinanti Mgr-Chi Erly Lrng Wkf Schlrshp$80717.00/yr
Abuzanat Abdalla Security Officer (Pt)$23.07/hr
Gamaleldin Abdelrahim Comp Lab Assistant - Part-Time$23.55/hr
Abdullahi Abdi College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Yacob Abdi Adult Educator (AR)$36.47/hr
Marryam Abdl-Haleem Lecturer-Credit Course I-Union$1179.00/contact hr
Ali Abdollahzadeh Lecturer-Vocational-Union$34.00/hr
Abdulahi Abdulahi College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Faduma Abdulahi College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Mohamed Abdulahi College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Azeezat Abdulwahab College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Syed Abedi Manager, OnlineAcadTech REM$135681.58/yr
Kaife Abedin Ft Faculty - 30 Hours$105968.75/yr
Ivy Abid Lecturer-Non-Union$800.00/contact hr
Fuad Abina Senior Financial Analyst$77250.00/yr
Daramola Abina Asst Dean-Early College & Matr$80000.00/yr
Demarco Abraham Janitor-Temporary$16.20/hr
Charles Abrams Ft Faculty - 30 Hours$142243.74/yr
Samuel Abrams Lecturer-Continuing Education$0.00/contact hr
Angela Abrams-Caruthers Ft Faculty - 30 Hours$89544.00/yr
Rachelle Abrantes Lect-Credit Course III-Union$1132.00/contact hr
Alaa Abughoush Lecturer-Credit Course I-Union$1059.00/contact hr
Tawfiq Abusara Ft Faculty - 30 Hours$60320.00/yr
Blanca Acevedo Dir-Grants Administration$103000.00/yr
Pablo Acevedo Tutor - Part-time$31.20/hr
Alexandra Aceves Call Center Rep (Remote)$45743.89/yr
Aisha Achesah Lecturer-Credit Course I-Union$1059.00/contact hr
Kimberly Ackley Lecturer-Credit Course I-Union$1083.00/contact hr
Claudia Acosta Adult Educator (AR)$36.48/hr
Jorge Acosta Lecturer-Non-Union$800.00/contact hr
Lorena Acosta College Clerical Asst II$54485.49/yr
Susan Actaboski Note Taker - Part-Time$19.15/hr
Michelle Adams Dean-Student Services$118450.00/yr
Nancyann Adams College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Sonia Adams Director - Child Development C$82400.00/yr
Sydney Adams Media Specialist$85074.38/yr
Vicky Adams Security Officer (Pt)$23.07/hr
David Adams College Financial Aid Adv I$58784.91/yr
Nyah Addison Admissions Specialist/Advisor$53476.33/yr
Kayode Adebayo Lecturer-Credit Course I-Union$1083.00/contact hr
Aljtrin Ademovski College Work Study Student$17.00/hr
Calvin Adenekan Sr Network Support Analyst$119270.70/yr
Omolola Adetola Clinical Counselor-WellnessCtr$90477.80/yr
Charles Adeyanju Lecturer-Credit Course I-Union$1083.00/contact hr
Nachiketa Adhikari Lecturer-Non-Union$943.00/contact hr
Sheza Admani Admani Lecturer-Vocational$34.00/hr
Ivan Adrien Student Peer Advisor$17.00/hr